Ozeki Card Design
The Ozeki Card design is simple, clean and easy to photocopy. It is designed to offer high contrast to make it easy for mobile phone cameras to scan the QR code on the card. The QR code on the card contains level H error correction. This means it has excellent error correction and can be used even if the card is damaged! Thanks to this error correct, the QR code on the card will still work even if it is scanned in an angle or 25% damaged.
Front of the Card
The front of the card contains a unique card number, and a scannable QR code. The unique card number can be used to login at the myozeki.com site, to edit the card personal details displayed by the Smart Business Card when tapped or scanned.
Back of the Card
The back of the card contains instructions on how to use, and it contains the initial password that can be used to setup the card. The back of the card also contains a unique blue QR code, that can be used to open the setup page on the mobile.